Because of this inability of people observing things from afar, not jumping at everything like my cat on his food and just truly this "all or nothing" mentality as you call it, I have been cut away from the last community I was a part of LOL Why? My support for president Trump. Who cut the ties, people that don't even live in the USA LOL Been living in the USA for 20 years and been a citizen since December 2020.

I have been a freaking socialism pusher for years, although I was born in socialist Yugoslavia to a Catholic family and should have known better. I almost had no other choice than going that route as I was working in Academia (a huge State University). The awakening came in 2020 with COVID. That's when my first shunning happened from a group I was heavily involved with (bringing their educational program to LA area) as I was questioning vaccines on MY FB page. I still had no clue that the whole branch of virology (and not only) is a scam LOL Then in March 2021 I was kicked off board of directors of an animal sanctuary again because I was promoting Trump over Bidet :) Only I know the amount of time I invested in that non-profit.

But we know that everything happens for a reason. I keep speaking my truth and discerning truth from lies as best as I can.

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Really appreciate your perspective, Kaya. Like me, you're keepin' it real in an unreal world ...

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Thanks Sol, I appreciate yours as well!

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