Samskaras as Psycho-Energetic Signatures in the Body-Mind
Constellations of looping circuitry form traceable patterns in the body that are metaphysically wired into the greater fields
Constellations of looping circuitry form traceable psycho-energetic patterns in the body that can be correlated to neural networks in the brain. These are deep grooves in our metaphysical makeup that have been emphasized for long periods of time.
In Yoga, we might refer to these as Samskaras - Karmic habit patterns reinforced over lifetimes. These Samskaras are stored in the causal body as a subtle energetic signature of sorts, from lifetime to lifetime. They show up as predispositions in our current lifetime, that can either be reinforced or rewired.
These habituated pathways are in our energy systems, our neural networks, and in our attitudes, behaviors and responses to life. Each time we respond in a new way to an external secondary karmic cause, or meet this internal primary causal pattern with Equanimous Luminous Awareness, we loosen its hold on us.
These constellations represent locked in circuitry in the nervous and energy systems. Networks of varying degrees of light, that correlate to our state of mind, or even aspects of our conditioned identity itself.
One can travel through these networks in the body and explore both energetic and physical material at the different centers and points contained within them. You can also view the entire constellation from more of a distance, which I think has given me more of an overall sense of each one’s signature, or personality if you will.
This habitual kind of constellation, feels more like an energetic holding pattern, than the free flowing kind of circuitry that would be ideal in a totally liberated body-mind. However, we all have them to some degree or another. If we’re here, we have karma, we have these patterns to work with.
These deeply ingrained patterns are reminiscent of a sort of subtle energy, scarring effect, in the nervous-system-networks, through the fascia. They can also be felt and seen as subtle imprints or impressions in the auric field.
They often have an overall emotional-energetic signature to them that can be traced to a narrative or story in the conceptual mind. These seem to be the spiritual nervous system’s representation of a core wound. They are the underlying looping emotional/energetic currents that fuel the expression of what we call our psychology.
One constellation might say “there is something inherently wrong with me”, others might just be patterns of rage or toxic shame that are bound up in the body, with attached belief structures and behavioral patterns that become multidimensional complexes.
These stored energies often show up at the denser more superficial layers in the muscles and organs as chronic bracing, tension, pain and inflammation.
These signature constellations, our inner circuitry, can be wired into the greater matrix-control grids
Trauma Based Mind Control manifests as this type of holding pattern in the body-mind, which traps our consciousness into a certain bandwidth or frequency. For me, it can sometimes feel like something has a very tight grip on a certain energy center that also loops through my nervous system circuitry in the body. It’s like this constellation has an invisible hand that is squeezing my nervous system.
This is how we can be metaphysically wired into the Matrix. As many of these patterns chord out into complex, matrix control grid structures in the greater field.
This is particularly true in the gut, where the dis-regulated consciousness of gut dysbiosis, literally hijacks the mind. It’s a sort of parasitic consciousness, that one must gain back conscious control over, in order to truly harness the power of their own Will. The brain in the Solar Plexus can be hijacked just as easily as the brain in the head.
The process of unraveling this kind of mind control begins with resting open awareness at the tightest junction one can find deep within and below the diaphragm.
In fact, the various physical diaphragms in the body directly correlate to specific energetic holding patterns, that become wired directly into the matrix, through trauma based mind control. The diaphragms and the various neuroendocrine plexuses that reside there are like hubs of consciousness in the body.
One can travel around these circuits and work on integrating the material contained deep within their centers and points. You sometimes don’t have to go into the story at all, you can just allow the over all constellation into the Field of Luminous Awareness, remaining completely relaxed and spacious AROUND the tight holding pattern, and it will begin to release naturally.
However, some of these do take time to rewire, depending on how deep these patterns, circuits, grooves, scars, neural pathways, or Samskaras have become. Remember that some of us are working on past life patterns that are very deeply ingrained.
With the right quality of awareness the individual will be guided as to what kind of healing process is appropriate for their own unique release. Some might need to learn how to channel healthy aggression or grieve deeply, others may need to drop the story entirely and hold various emotions in absolute equanimity. For most of us it will be a combination of approaches applied at various times within our process. The path is always unique to the individual.
Gentleness and patience, allowance and acceptance are always of the utmost necessity. We cannot truly integrate with the intention of “getting rid of” or “fixing”.
It takes complete presence, acceptance and non-resistance, for the intelligence of our Luminous Awareness to do its Healing Magic.
The thing I find interesting about so many of these aparently arcane concepts is that they have a social, unconscious, ridiculous component in their parent society. Something so entirely uninspired always begs the question...what is really being said here?
A parting of moms' hair for the plebians.
A rich concept of self induced hell on the other.
Sometimes its really hard for me to take anything people do seriously.