The Principle of Gender - More than a Social Construct
A metaphysical truth, critical to understanding what it is to be a human, within our evolutionary process on earth.
The principle of gender applies to all that has been or will ever be manifested in our reality. The principle polarities of masculine and feminine are intrinsic to every form in existence including the human body which is designed this way biologically. It is important to be aware that these principles are being intentionally inverted, damaged, and distorted here on earth at the moment.
During the ascension process there can be some confusion about gender because humans inherently have both masculine and feminine traits. The human body is designed biologically to work with masculine-feminine polarities.
There is a necessity of being willing to do the inner emotional work to support our male and female to be expressed in the most energetically balanced way possible. If a male feels his feminine attributes and characteristics being activated, this does not mean however that he is a biological woman. If a woman feels more masculine traits at the forefront, this does not necessarily mean she is a man.
The powers that wanna be are taking advantage of this aspect of spiritual evolution, taking advantage of the draw in young people to rebel against societal norms that feel constrictive to them in this process. They are taking advantage of children when they are at their most vulnerable, in the often challenging trasition through puberty.
How much truth is in the experience of oppressive gender norms in traditional society? Is this structure somewhat necessary for a functioning self, family unit, and greater societal system?
While I can understand that society and culture could be more accepting of deviations from traditional gender norms, I also think it’s somewhat necessary for a thriving culture, with thriving family systems, to embrace certain structures. And I believe it’s these structures both in self and society that are purposefully under attack. The inversion of these polarities, both externally and internally, and the severing of one from their own biology, the dissolution from identity completely, that springs out of an over attachment to one’s superficial identity, leads to a world in which what it means to be human at its most fundamental levels is under threat.
There is a deconstruction that is very intentional taking place both in society and culture, and even within the individual on fundamental spiritual levels.
While the outward expression of these masculine and feminine attributes can be in unique combinations from person to person, the inward harmony is tantamount to human evolution, and especially spiritual evolution. One cannot be at war with one’s self, or one’s biology in this way and also be fully integrated spiritually.
As the dynamic harmony between masculine and feminine leads to an integration/individuation and a greater unity with the divine. This is crucial to earth’s as well as humanity’s current evolutionary trajectory.
Big picture causal karma
Another thing to think about is the karma that’s worked out on this 3D plane through the archetypes that are embodied within these masculine/feminine polarities. In the matrix, these polarities are largely an expression of shadow, and a vehicle for karmic interplay. We are born into certain biological sex and gender experiences that match our karma. So we’re here to learn the lessons of the karma of certain identity markers to some degree.
As long as people play out these superficial victim-victimizer archetypes with each other though, never bothering to truly look within, the karmic situation that connects them to these cycles of suffering within the matrix will just keep strengthening.
It’s our responsibility to heal these archetypes that often can be traced back to parental figures with toxic distorted masculine/feminine characteristics, and integrate our own inner masculine and feminine into a dynamic harmony. (They don’t really become homogenous but are harmonized together). In this way, we become masterful co-creators and can affect society for the better, changing the expression of these cultural karmic archetypes naturally.
One can actually take on new archetypes when healing parental archetypes and this is a practice I’ve used often in the past. In the video I share about my personal experience with this.
So let’s talk a little bit about what the masculine/feminine principles actually are.
We live in a world of opposing forces. The fundamental fabric of our reality springs out of a dynamic relationship between the polarities of masculine and feminine forces. This is a metaphysical phenomenon that occurs both in the greater fields surrounding us, as well as within our own internal energetic anatomy.
The dynamic interaction of these forces, when harmonized, leads to the evolution of our consciousness, our integration and expansion into unity consciousness.
The foundation of what it is to be human is predicated metaphysically, on this internal alchemy between masculine and feminine forces. While these principles can be limited, defined, and socially constructed in ways that are not necessarily indicative of their true essence, they can actually be pretty accurately described and translated into certain qualities within the human in the 3D.
So what are some of those qualities?
Feminine: Receptive, Drawing inward, Magnetic, Dark, Water, Moon, Intuitive, Subjective, Feeling
Masculine: Active, Directed outward, Energetic, Light, Fire, Sun, Analytical, Objective, Thinking
The feminine and masculine can also be seen in the brain as the right and left hemispheres. Yoga brings balance to these hemispheres and brings them into communication. Which is also partly what leads to the expansion and evolution of our consciousness.
Many traditions talk about the masculine-feminine forces through both practice and myth, including but not limited to: The Hermetica - through the principle of gender, Taoism - through the Yin/Yang, as well as Hinduism, Buddhism and even Christian Gnosticism in the myth of the marriage between Christ and Sophia.
Yoga is the clearest example of this for me, because this is the system I’m most familiar with in my own internal experience as well as through my studies.
In Yoga the masculine and feminine forces in the human body flow through two main channels called the Ida and Pingala. These channels reside on either side of the central channel and carry opposing but complimentary characterisitcs - feminine or cooling on the left and masculine or warming on the right.
One of the yogic practices most commonly used for balancing the masculine and feminine flows through the Ida and Pingala channels is Nadi Shodhana pranayama. Because these channels flow through the right and left nostril respectively, the controlled flow of breath through each nostril becomes a tool for clearing and balancing these channels.
In yoga it is very much about the balance between masculine and feminine. Through this dynamic harmony the internal energies become unified into the central flow. The harmonies between the masculine and feminine energy flows build into a greater union with the divine. . (They don’t really become homogenous but are harmonized together, each in their unique energetic function, into a dynamic interplay that facilitates unity consciousness). This happens both energetically within the subtle anatomy and at the level of one’s consciousness.
So when one comes into this type of internal harmony, you no longer feel at war with your biology or either your masculine or feminine side, because you can actually flow through different traits that may be defined as either masculine or feminine depending on the situation and even harmonize with your environment respectively, without falling prey to the toxic archetypes of these principles either from society or from within yourself passed down from parents.
In the evolution of consciousness through the practice of Yoga, you do not become “non-binary’, as the binary system of masculine-feminine forces in the bodymind is tantamount to what it means to be human - these forces must come into a synergistic balance without losing the essence of either one.
Another example of the masculine and feminine forces interacting in the human is the Merkaba.
Merkaba fields are pairs of electromagnetic fields based on the polarity between the masculine and feminine forces, which are male electrical spirals and female magnetic spirals that are counter rotating to each other but also fully interwoven together.
There is a masculine principle (tetrahedron) and feminine principle (tetrahedron) that regulates the starting spin points of our merkaba spirals, and then merge and unify them into sacred union or Hieros Gamos.
Shiva and Shakti
Lets go more macro here, zoom out and talk about Shiva and Shakti. Shiva, within the ancient Hindi yoga system is the unmanifest consciousness that underlies reality. Shakti is the energy that animates and brings this unmanifest consciousness into form. So our material world is considered an animation of the dance between Shakti and Shiva, or the feminine energy in dynamic play with the masculine consciousness. Shiva is sometimes synonymous with the Brahman or the all, and Shakti with the Maya. But they are actually in my understanding both necessary for the creation of Maya and a little more micro than the Brahman itself - as the ‘All” or the Brahman (Godhead) would contain both creation and its underlying consciousness.
So again within the body or subtle anatomy, Shiva - pure consciousness resides in the crown, and Shakti - the energy that manifests this consciousness into form is often thought of as the Kundalini and contained at the base of the spine. Our bodies or biology are a direct manifestation of Shakti and a vehicle for Shiva when trained and tuned properly. It’s the integration of Shiva and Shakti, through the body, that reunites us with the Brahman or Godhead.
The Christ Sophia
So we can see that the masculine feminine dynamic is present through spiritual science, practice, and symbolism, throughout many traditions. And one can even begin to see an overlap between traditions in how they depict and describe these forces, even across myth and spiritual science.
In the myth of the fall of Sophia, we have the idea that Sophia as Aeon (as the gnostics referred to gods and goddesses that reside over certain heavenly spheres), suffers some kind of mishap which leads her to fall into separation from the heavenly graces and connection to the divine into this material world. More specifically her offspring, which was created out of this mishap, in giving birth to him without a male consort, in his separation from his mother, as well as the Godhead, becomes the Demiurge who creates the material world we live in, out of confusion and loneliness, as well as having been conceived without the proper balance of masculine/feminine.
Later, Christ appears on earth to rescue Sophia, reuniting her with the divine consciousness - the Godhead, bringing balance back into creation, by crystallizing a pathway to spirit consciousness on earth, through the marriage of masculine and feminine, through the forms of creation.
Sophia and her creation are often portrayed negatively and as an abomination.
However, Sophia is also often found to more directly mean wisdom, and it seems to me that wisdom is acquired through mishap. That the story of human descent or fall, or disconnection from the divine through the flesh, and then ascension again, is a story of the attainment of wisdom. That perhaps we needed to fall in order to attain our co-creator status. In order to attain our "I AM” consciousness. To truly individuate. Is it possible that we had to turn away and feel our separation from the divine, in order to learn about free will, and consciously choose it again?
Is it possible that our decent into the illusion of duality, was necessary for the attainment of a higher wisdom?
Drawing Parrallels between the Myth of The Marriage of Christ and Sophia and Shiva-Shakti
In the Sophia myth, I can see Sophia as somewhat synonymous with Skakti, and this perceived fall which created the illusory nature of the material world as “Maya”. She is the animating energy manifest through form. She is earth, Gaia - She is the human form. She is the energy of creation. Rather than see this as a shameful fall, we could honor the sacredness of this creation and hold dear the journey we are on toward the development of our individuated wisdom through it.
In this myth, Christ I believe, can be seen as the underlying consciousness or Shiva, and the marriage between Christ and Sophia, as the sacred dynamic harmony of masculine and feminine forces that lead one to union with the All or the divine Godhead. This marriage leads one to a realization of spirit through matter. Into a unity consciousness that permeates all of creation, that manifests Spirit through form.
The material world, however illusory it can be, is not a mistake per say, as much as a necessary aspect of the human journey, or evolutionary pathway. Our bodies, as earth and all of creation, are a sacred manifestation of Spirit. It’s through these bodies, through our internal interaction of masculine and feminine forces, through unity with the divine, that we become a vehicle for birthing Spirit into the material world, through our own form.
No longer is the feminine shamed for her creation, but held dear for the path she’s led us down. As we know now that the illusion of duality and the disconnect of the spirit from its materialization, is just that, an illusion.
Just as Sophia gave birth to this creation, and went on a journey through it, to attain the wisdom necessary for reunion with God, so too are we here to attain this wisdom, reunite with the divine and birth its essence through our very bodies into this material world.
The Great Inversion, Duality Delusion, The Individual Divided Against itself.
Now keeping this myth and spiritual science in mind, think about the dualistic disconnect from one’s body it would take to be at war enough within oneself to attack one’s own biology. Spiritual evolution takes place through harmonization of not only masculine and feminine polarities from within, but in the integration of divine consciousness, Christ/Shiva, into the body’s intelligence, Sophia/Shakti. We must get over this idea, even within modern Christianity, that the divine is separate from its manifest form.
This is what the birth of the sacred divine feminine is about. We are healing the duality between mind and body, just as we are healing the duality between masculine-feminine.
The inversion of these truths is a direct attack on what it is to be human. To say that a biological male can give birth to form is an abomination. To invert that truth on a biological level attacks the very fundamental fabric of creation. It is an attempt to distort and obstruct the birth of Christ consciousness through the Divine feminine as Sophia that is taking place on the planet now, from within each and every one of us.
The propagandists delivering these inversions know how human evolution occurs, through masculine and feminine harmonization, they know how this expresses through biology. They understand that the birth of Christ and the divine union with Sophia, that the divine feminine needs to be perverted to trap and limit the evolution of human consciousness.
In order to disrupt or destroy the unifying potential of the masculine/feminine harmonized light body in the human being, the first directive would be to attack the inner and outer gender principle in all ways possible. To confuse all matters in regards to the Principle of Gender and Polarity which governs natural creation.
There is a specific agenda to spread trans-humanism through surgically and medically induced procedures, through marxist inversion-deconstruction of the gender principle in culture, in order to invert the inner gender principle - dividing the individual against itself - which destroys the human light body. We have to understand our subtle anatomy and how it works with male and female principle polarities, before we can accurately assess ourselves and our environment as to what it is to truly be human.
Erasing or perverting the biological woman, as the sacred vessel for birthing consciousness into human form on this planet, is a direct attack and attempt to pervert the very foundations of the fabric of creation itself.
The mind and biology are not separate in the sense that we can chop away at our physical body to heal a fragmented mind. Our minds and the spiritual equipment necessary for organic evolution is partly contained in the neuroendocrine system of the body. Our hormones and bio-chemical process are integral to the process of spirtiual evolution.
The Mother is the central symbol for what it means to be human. The divine feminine is the vehicle for birthing spirit into form on this planet, not just within creation, but within our very being. The inner harmonization of masculine and feminine is the bridge between mind and body - heaven and earth.
Beautifully written!!
Great post. I love being a man(masculine) and I love women(feminine.) It's been a minute since I've been in a relationship and if it comes up in conversation, I never say I'm lonely, I say I miss the feminine energy. Not even sexual wise but he energy of a beautiful women who is in touch with her self, her energy and just has this way about her that when I'm around, I know it. It really is a beautiful chemistry we share, a balance.