I know this post might sound harsh, but imagine me saying it in a warm and caring tone lol. Nobody knows more than me how fucking deeply challenging this path is, but I sat down to write about it today and this is what came through. More of a fierce call to action! Love you’s!
Hey, guess what, in order to be a wounded healer, you first have to be wounded. I know, it sucks right? Well…It ain’t no fucking cake walk, that’s for sure! If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. They don’t call it ‘The Road Less Travelled’ for nothin’. So strap on your big girl or boy undies and get moving. The sooner you surrender fully into your inner pathway to becoming, the sooner the world can benefit from your unique expression.
We are forged by the hands of the Divine through our traumas, trials and tribulations. One of the problems with the modern, mainstream, western world is that we’ve forgotten this. The mental health industry pumps out victims, helplessly vindicated by their many resignations to what has happened to them, adorned in carefully constructed labels, strewn across their cages of self imprisonment. Forged by the grinding gears of the system, rather than the organic higher intelligence that moves through their body - mind - soul - That calls upon them to be a vessel, carved out for its message, through the experiences life has so intelligently thrust upon them.
Yes, you were a victim of undeserved abuse, but you are not doomed to victimhood for the rest of your life. There is a larger plan for you, from a force much more powerful than all your traumas and abuses combined.
Karma and destiny are intricately intertwined. We can get all tangled up trying to unravel ourselves from the knots of karma, we yearn to weave our own destiny. But this path is through the many inner worm holes of death and rebirth, darling, and the beautiful tapestry that will be woven into your contributions in the world, is composed of the many karmic threads you will sort through in this unraveling process.
Yes, on some level, we have to let ourselves unravel completely from the inside out. And somehow through this unraveling, in the death and dying of the lower case self, the upper case Self strengthens.
I say, the darker your path has been, the better karma you actually have and the greater the potential of your destiny. You only need to face life as if it is a Divine training ground for your Soul, not as some random set of circumstances that you are helpless to overcome.
You know that thing we call complex PTSD in the western world? That shit show of symptoms that many of us have from being born highly sensitive, possibly neurodiverse, and then being chronically compounded with traumas. This cascade of psychological, somatic, physiological symptoms, down stream from our initial conditions IS the actual territory we need to consciously traverse, to embrace the alchemy of the wounded healer path. Finding our way through this inner labyrinth becomes our divine imperative, our most important task, and if we so choose, our map and Soul blueprint. It’s our archetypal imprint, infused into the metaphysical fabric of this realm, long after we’re dead and gone. So that others can find their way through the now deeper and more well defined neuro-metaphysical grooves in the collective mind, to the wounded healer path themselves.
In the western world we we call it being highly sensitive, neurodivergent or having CPTSD, in the shamanic world we might just think of it as the path to becoming a medicine man or woman. In the Buddhist world, we know that this path, when treaded consciously, turns people into natural Dharma warriors. Because the only way through is to develop immense compassion, not only for self but for others, and this immense compassion only really leads to one result, which is the intense desire to be of service in the world.
Lately I look back on the trauma I had to heal and integrate not too long ago, and how paralyzed I often felt in the face of my own debilitating fear, anxiety, guilt and shame, and I think to myself, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
So where are you on the agency → fate axis my darlings? How is your karma weaving into your destiny? I’d be curious to find out…