Stop Trying to Vibrate Highly and Start Striving to Vibrate Authentically
Transforming the Emotional-Energetic Roots of Negative Core beliefs Through Unconditional Presence
We often attempt to apply the antidote to negative emotional experience too soon.
There is this whole trend around transforming negative core beliefs by imposing some kind of analytically structured process that only deals with the mental aspects of these beliefs. What I think we often miss though, is that the emotional experience of the core belief that already exists deep within the body, must be felt fully - allowed to flow before anything is going to truly change.
This needs to take place while being centered in Self as the witness.
Until this happens our attempts to change behavior or the beliefs that we think are causing our behavior will often be futile.
Often it’s in the witnessing and feeling our emotions fully, from within our center of awareness, that we get all the way down underneath to its core, to release the energy of the root cause.
Within this process we harness the underlying energy of the emotion. We update - bring into current time, the part of ourself that is trapped in the original memory or experience and caught in projecting that experience onto the present.
Along the way, we develop a deep and profound sense of love and compassion for ourselves within these internal landscapes.
Out of this quality of Self awareness where we meet these parts wholeheartedly, these beliefs and emotions directly, skillful action arises organically. The antidote becomes clear.
We suddenly know exactly what to do - How to unravel ourselves from any set backs. We have all the energy for it we need and none of it is superficially imposed. We do not have to strong arm ourselves through suppression and negation. Or force ourselves into some kind of step-by-step intellectual dissection of our thoughts and beliefs.
There is an innate clarity around what thoughts arise and why - an ease in simply releasing the charge within them that perpetuates their existence.
You don’t have to tell yourself you are worthy or good enough in the face of an “unworthiness” or “not good enough”, psycho-energetic complex. You come to an innate knowing that you are inherently worthy, through the act of being fully present with the internal experience of unworthiness.
If you’re applying antidotes too soon, saying affirmations that you don’t really believe or genuinely feel inside, then you’re not actually transforming anything at its root. You’re just adding arbitrary, superficial layers to a more deep seated issue. It might act as a bandaid for some time but it won’t last. You might believe it in your conscious mind, but it will be out of sync with the trapped energy in your body, (which is the storage place for the unconscious mind).
And here’s something to be aware of.
Approaching these internal aspects with the intention to fix them or with the attitude to get rid of it in the first place, is the antithesis to healing yourself.
There has to be a fundamental, unconditional acceptance - allowance of whatever arises in you.
That unconditional presence, what we call the “Self”, is what allows the trapped energies to spontaneously flow and organically transform. It’s what gives birth to your innate skillful means. It’s what gives birth to your innate wisdom.
Your most painful core beliefs become the deepest compassion and love. They fuel your path forward.
This is internal alchemy.