I don’t need a single other Soul to see me or believe in me anymore. Sometimes it’s hard to see the lessons when you’re in them. But I’d say this is by far the best outcome I could have asked for, through all the challenges I’ve faced over recent years. I am truly self sourced on levels I never have been before. At least not to this degree. In the midst of feeling fragile and insecure for years, to where it seemed like it would never end, I have now built myself a more integral and solid foundation than I’ve ever had before.
My dreams have been so vivid and clear lately. I am having both dreams that guide me within my own process and dreams that inform me on the people that are coming into my life. Dreams that contain both symbolic and quite literal correlations. Including dreams that contain premonitions, things that there is no way I could have known about people that are confirmed by them once we start chatting.
I’m inviting the fruition of this gift I have with dreams with much gratitude and joy, after working for the last 30 years to develop it.
I think I’ve always had a certain gift for dreaming and I’ve shared before about my night terrors as a child. There has always been an increased sensitivity in this way. One that I had to learn to harness. But I didn’t really start harnessing it until my teen years. I’ve worked consistently with my dreams since about the age of 16. With much resistance at first because lucid dreaming started naturally for me around that time and it actually really scared me at first. It was one of those things I was kind of forced to harness because my psyche was activating so strongly in that way and the ego simply did not have the power to deny it.
Anyway, I’m just so grateful lately to be able to use this gift with others now, that it might serve their growth in the ways that it has served mine. And this is why I love the Jungian frame for coaching too. It fits so organically into my pre-existing worldview first of all, and secondly it serves as a really well suited structure for the innate gifts I already carry and have put so much energy into developing.
It feels like something I can expand into without sacrificing any of my authenticity at all.
It’s been quite a long journey to get to where I am now.
In following that inner call over and over again.
In aligning over time with what is truly authentic for me.
In developing my innate strengths - gifts - talents, even when they seemed unimportant or irrelevant.
In following all the little creative stirrings that draw me in - studying intensely - integrating what I learned deeply through body and mind.
In alchemizing all the internal blockages along the way.
In trusting my inner process in all its messiness and chaos, in allowing my inner being to inform me as to what it is I’m meant to be doing here.
In having faith, when the path seemed to twist and turn endlessly, without a clear destination in sight.
I’m becoming truly self sourced on this path, in that what is fueling and guiding me from within is all I that need in terms of validation. I’m standing on my own two feet in the way that I believe is most important, spiritually.
Have you been having any synchronistic dreams lately? I’d love to hear about them.
Nice! That you’ve done it and explained so well