Hyper-Dimensional Egregores, Evil and the Collective Shadow of Humanity
How do we reconcile with God and embrace our Soul's evolution through current collective challenges?
A Few months ago I shared a little exploration about the concept of evil as the coherent patterns that emerge out of the hyper-dimensional matrix - through the collective shadow of humanity.
I think the reason this becomes important for me to distinguish, is that it sometimes looks as if everyone is in some big room together somewhere, orchestrating and planning these intelligent patterns that emerge. To some degree I do think this is true, the propaganda, the predictive programming, even cultural trends, are often orchestrated from the “top” so to speak, but I think we also give too much credit, and therefore too much of our power away, to the “villains” of the third dimension, and not enough to the intelligence of the field itself.
How many of you have experienced divine synchronicity on your path? Experiences when you align with outer people, places, things in such a way that it is undeniably a product of divine intelligence?
When that intelligence seems to emerge as patterns that serve “evil” or do harm, it’s tough to reconcile that this is somehow connected to the greater Divine intelligence of the field, which I often call the mind of God. This whole conundrum has been tough to resolve for myself as well, which is why I’ve spent so much time exploring it, to try to make sense of my place in it. To try to understand why a great, all encompassing Divine Intelligence would have space for such terrible events in the world.
Such is the human condition though - the complexity that comes along with living in a world of perceived dualities.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
- Epicurus
In any case, the conspiracy theorists are great at pattern recognition, but I think they’re often a little too literal in attributing the intelligence of these patterns to our three dimensional villains. This is where I came upon the concept of Egregores.
An Egregore is a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thought-form that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals. Wikipedia
An Egregore can take on its own personality in sense. Its will though, is actually composed of the often unconscious thought forms and emotional energies of groups and movements. I’ve just extrapolated this, and assigned it to an even larger collective intelligence, that arises out of humanity’s shadow. It’s a hyper dimensional entity of sorts, with, like I said in my last post, trackable emergent patterns of behavior.
For me, it’s important to reconcile that “God is in everything”. Which is one of the deepest realizations I’ve ever happened upon. Seriously, how can something exist at all if it is not a part of the mind of God? In order to have this realization, you have to set aside God the personified version, and make room for a bigger more multi-dimensional knowing. Can the source energy for all that is, be contained in the all, while still having certain aspects of this interconnected whole forget their place and turn against the rest of the whole.
Does the mind of God have its own shadow?
This is where I start to view the matrix and its resulting control grids as mere fragments that have forgotten their source.
From this vantage point, there are multiple hyper dimensional fields that can be accessed and plugged into here. A field is type of consciousness as well. It’s geometrically, mathematically metaphysical, it’s made of light and energy, but it’s a delivery mechanism for consciousness, and in the case of 3d reality, tangible form.
I often make the distinction between the organic creation field, which is Gaia connected to source, and the matrix, which is composed of an almost artificial field connected to human shadow, all the traumas, ideologies, beliefs. This matrix is limited by and confined to three dimensional perception much of the time. But it does have an emergent metaphysical intelligence to it that moves through individuals, movements, groups, ideologies etc, often at the naivety of those individuals and groups.
If we embrace a spiritual worldview of unity and wholeness, we have to make room for the idea, that while there are disconnected fragments, or at the very least the experience of disconnection within these fragments, at some level there is also interconnectedness. And this brings us, on an individual level, into personal responsibility for the entire situation at hand in a sense. How are we connected to this, what are we doing here, and why?
I’ll ask you again, how many times have you experienced synchronicity? But this time ask yourself about those other kinds of synchronicities. The ones that seem to align with your shadow, your pain, your trauma. At times it would seem that the divine intelligence is nudging us toward realizing that we have certain things hidden in the darkness that need addressing.
This is not some kumbaya “we are all one” bullshit worldview though.
If we are to be truly non-dual in our awareness, we would have to hold both duality and non-duality in our mind at the same time. We would have to make room for the manifestations of this dualistic world at the three dimensional level, while still having the capacity to understand interconnectedness throughout, at another level. This often means playing our role here in the 3rd dimension, having to face and work with the shadow aspects that are playing out. This will look unique to each individual.
We are plugged into these hyper-dimensional fields through certain templates. A template is an ingrained pattern in our circuitry. We have circuits that form patterns that also have certain “programs” running in the mind. These are usually linked to trauma and can often be felt as looping circuits of survival stress in the fascia, nervous system, energy body.
These circuits not only plug us into specific fields through the patterns that match, but they also connect us to ancestral templates.
It’s up to us to get to know our circuits and how they keep us plugged into the greater control grids or matrix fields. And it’s in the healing and integration process that would have us unplugging from them and plugging into the more directly source connected organic creations fields, that is the experience for the evolution of the soul. So we can’t just shirk it off so easily, and this where I include the idea of initiation - how the deeply challenging experiences through somewhat traumatized and disconnected fields and programs, as long as we choose to grow through it, becomes the fertile alchemical ground for our Soul’s growth.
When we look at it from this perspective we can see that the whole unfolding on the planet becomes an initiation of sorts that we are all inextricably interconnected with. These emergent patterns, arising from this shadow intelligence, need to be faced and integrated into the whole as a sort of collective wounding. Somehow, each and every one of us is connected to this thing through our own shadow, there are specific lessons that each of us must face and overcome.
This does not mean, like I said, that we all just kumbaya our way through the harms that are being done. But we do make room for how these collective experiences are shaping us in positive ways, and we do take responsibility for our own part in the unfolding.
Do the 3d villains understand how they are co-creating the matrix, with all of its fragmented components? Or are they just unawakened, wounded, unwitting participants? Maybe it’s a mixture of both.
Side note that this does not absolve them from responsibility for doing harm. This just takes their power away a little and reassigns that power to the intelligence of the greater mind, even if that greater intelligence is an expression of shadow or a fragmented limited matrix at some level.
Within this worldview, we give our power back to divine intelligence - We give our trust to the grander initiation processes that are taking place to forge our Soul’s evolution.
I think you’d really appreciate Miguel Conner’s new book, Kaya … I’m reading it in pre-release to provide an editorial quote and it has a LOT to say about egregores, tulpas and the like. This was very satisfying because I’d already gone very far into this subject matter in my new book. Anyway, here’s the link to THE OCCULT ELVIS for future reference if you’re interested … https://www.amazon.com/Occult-Elvis-Mystical-Magical-Life/dp/B0D9TMZ9KC
Excellent in points and feeling tone. Answers now only possible at the individual level, as the Hopis have said. Yes, our collective shadow generates egregores which build the matrix and digital prison. Yes, great confusion reigns and narcissism pertains amongst self-righteous conspiracy theorists. They rage at high pitch as though the problems came from "over there". They discern patterns of abuse and control, yet they reject their interwovenness as progenitors of what they despise. An illusory and compensatory objectivity arises from an unexamined victim mentality masquerading as "being awake". Hence the emergent shadow aspect moves also through these swarms of "truth tellers". The archontic template co-vibrates with unfiltered human consciousness, giving rise to the matrix. The divine shadow is simply the freedom provided to emergent consciousness to fall all the way out of sacred oneness. The Jungian shadow has not been adequately dealt with. The sleep of reason, of course, gives birth to monsters.