Harnessing Healthy Aggression as Passion Toward a Greater Purpose
A compilation on harnessing and channeling healthy aggression or frozen anger in the body toward a greater purpose
We have the opportunity to integrate humanity’s shadow aspects into a heart based new humanity of conscious unified wholeness.
(Not a forced collectivist style unification through enslaved conformity, but a natural, organic, spiritually realized, unification based in the free will of the individual).
The heart based new humanity is a collection of spiritually sovereign, consciously individuated humans, that understand our interconnected nature to each other, earth and the cosmos.
***Beware! ***
This evolutionary trajectory has been hijacked at the moment and many false detours are occurring. They hijack and distort all of our good intentions and movements in this way. *Take heed!*
With this metaphysical warfare in mind, I’m always attempting to keep my emotional energy in balance.
However, to completely repress or deny that what is unfolding isn’t infuriating at times, would be detrimental as well. It is necessary to keep a sober awareness of it all, to keep the energy moving consciously.
What this means is letting myself peer into what is unfolding for a time, allowing the emotional energy to come up and move, integrating any previously unseen trauma points, getting clear on new choice points, then eventually making some peace with it, surrendering to my higher power and purpose, and starting all over again.
It’s been kind of a repeat cycle like this, that spirals deeper and deeper, for the last five years.
I’m realizing that part of my passion actually stems from the raw energy of healthy aggression around injustice. Particularly injustice that threatens humanity’s right to Liberty, Sovereignty, bodily Autonomy.
Anger around the deceptive tactics they use to co-opt our shared intentions for the soul’s evolutionary path and divide us against each other, manipulate us toward collective enslavement that serves their parasitic agenda.
An anger around the inverted agenda to coerce - to force us down an artificial divergent evolutionary detour. An evolutionary detour riddled with grotesque distortions of reality, inversions of the truth, the literal mutilation of children’s bodies, the deconstruction of objective reality.
I am well aware of where I am to be headed on a Soul level in this lifetime. I’m well aware of how I’m meant to be supporting those around me toward this path.
Yet the intentional deceptions being disseminated are so strong.
Yes, this pisses me off to no end at times.
Because my highest value and purpose here is the Liberation of the Self.
I will not willingly leave a world of psycho-spiritual enslavements to our children and grandchildren without using every creative skill set I’ve been blessed with to shift that in the meantime.
Here we are at this critical juncture. It’s so surreal at times. We’re literally at war, but because the weapons are so sneaky, it’s almost imperceptible at times.
To some I guess….
It’s easy to get caught in a sort of mass confusion. A collective fog. A kind of invisible sunken overwhelm, that caves one in on oneself. I think a lot of people aren’t aware that the immense pressure they feel is real. Many beat themselves up for letting it pin them down. Blaming themselves for not being well adjusted to a deeply disconnected, bat shit insane, wildly accelerated, artificially unfolding reality.
‘Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars’ they call them.
We all get caught in the undertow at some point, swept onto these hijacked timelines
It can be difficult to hold it all and direct it properly. If one focuses in too hard for too long, allowing their attention to be subverted from their spiritual center, the energy will just fry your system or turn to apathy, numbness and helplessness, the deep nihilism of the black pill. Which are all worse than anger, in my humble opinion.
The raw energy of healthy aggression, when channeled and refined properly into passion that aligns with one’s soul purpose, will carry one out of fear, depression and powerlessness, toward liberated action.
Part of the reason we are seeing addictions, suicides and over doses rise so much, is because people feel powerless. They’ve lost connection to their source, their true power from within, their meaning and purpose within these accelerations.
Within the accelerated dismantling of structures and institutions they used to trust.
I would argue that being in touch with the momentum of anger and knowing how to channel it toward conscious passionate action is one antidote to this type of affliction.
Powerlessness turns to purpose through passion. You realize that you CAN make a difference. That you are here now for a reason.
You’ve gotta move the energy. Direct it toward a consciously aligned intention.
This doesn’t mean you let anger turn to violence or revenge. This is why the cycle for me always includes surrender to a higher power.
It’s my role to channel my passion here toward the highest expressions I can muster. It’s not my place to hand out karma. That’s the job of God/Goddess. The metaphysics of karma will always be in proper balance, even when I can’t understand it from my vantage point.
Although I would love to see some actual earthly justice, through the rule of law, served up to some of these parasites in my lifetime. I won’t hold my breathe. As even that institution seems to be disintegrating before our eyes.
We need to be able to hold the details, and play our role, while allowing the big picture beyond duality to do its thing as well.
Because at some level it’s all a perfect design. We’re going through exactly what is necessary.
How could it be any other way?
But this big picture surrender does not equate denying our individual role within it.
This is where your karma is channeled toward your Dharma.
You are handed karma to integrate consciously and transmute into actionable service in the world as your Dharma.
So the key is to take the anger about the injustices, work through any internal trauma points still present, and channel it creatively into the ways that work with the situation dynamically.
This will be unique to everyone. But every single one of us has a unique set of gifts in this way. You are here for a reason. You are needed.
Because one of my skills is writing and more specifically articulating abstract concepts that can be difficult to put into words, then I often focus the energy into figuring out how to describe the complex, sneaky, inverted ways they are waging this war.
So that it is all plain to see for those that feel confused, foggy, alone, or helpless.
Part of my purpose is to lay rest to confusion by slicing right through the fog. To help people harness their own mind toward the Soul’s Individuation, and come into their own source connected clarity within it all.
To choose the Soul’s highest evolutionary path consciously, courageously. To step into the greater purpose within it all.
This “slicing through” isn’t always pretty or “nice”. But it’s a whole hell of a lot nicer than what they have planned for you, trust me.
Being born into a narcissistic family system, waking up spiritually and being shown how to move through the integration/individuation process from within, was probably the best preparation I could have had for what we are going through now as a collective.
I don’t really get that confused about what is or isn’t true. Their deceptive tactics don’t often control me. Mostly because I’ve seen that kind of darkness before. I’ve had to navigate through many layers of this kind of powerlessness in confusion.
I can feel the pulse of the engineering and decipher its intentions almost instinctively at this point.
When one is awake to their own shadow they aren’t very easily fooled by others dark tactics.
I support each and every one of you to harness your life’s experiences. The good the bad and the ugly. Toward your higher purpose here. You likely have a unique role to play. We need your unique voice. We can’t afford to lose even a single one of you to hopelessness, black pilled nihilism, subversion or existential implosion.
Go within to find your source connection, channel your emotional energy toward action. Don’t get lost in overwhelm, but if you do, know that you aren’t alone. We are in unprecedented times, it would be weird not to be fearful or angry or overwhelmed at times.
Wrapping you all in a fury of love 💕
Ah, The Fury of Love! 💕
Right back at you Kaya Marie.
You are indeed highly skilled at writing and elucidating abstract concepts. Erudite and eloquent.
I have no doubt that you and I are members of a tribe, here to help others understand The Grand Design.
Mentioned previously it feels as though you’re in my mind, but expressing my thoughts better than I could. That’s one of my struggles, to express coherently that which is known innately and instinctively.
So thank you Kaya Marie! 🙏
So glad I found your stack, and I can’t thank you enough for your gift to me. Sincerely appreciate it. 💕💕💕