I’m starting off the new year here with a basic, still slightly unrefined overview of my work, as it has emerged with pronounced clarity in the past year through my explorations on Substack and beyond. My intention is to continue to develop/refine these offerings and share them with you throughout this year.
My work is composed of multiple dimensions of expression- From the more specific coaching material that I use with people one on one- To the broader, more collective territory I traverse, in the context of culture and sometimes politics.
There is a lot of overlap between the two.
My Substack is a place for me to hone in on and communicate what I offer through my Soul coaching practice, as much as it is a place for me to communicate the principles of my message within the broader context of the collective-spiritual-evolutionary experience many of us are navigating at the moment.
It’s also a place for me to show up authentically and share with you my own experiences and revelations in the context of my own personal evolutionary process - Of which the development of my work in the world is such an intimate piece. I continue to be so deeply grateful for all of you who follow me and support me in this process! I managed to publish 52 weeks in a row last year and look forward to where this journey will take me this year as well.
Here are some of the basic themes of my current coaching frame:
Self liberation - Integration - Individuation - Soul embodiment - Trauma into creative empowerment
Soul purpose - Accessing your wounded healer path - Facilitating the emergence of your Soul’s unique Dharma blueprint
Identifying and Actualizing your innate Strengths - Gifts - Talents
Sense making through your own personal mythos
Identifying and following the Call - Exit the “matrix” - Co-create from the organic creation field
The basic components I work with to support the above processes are:
(in no order of importance)
Masculine/Feminine Harmonization
Inner child
Foundational nervous system Health and Balance
Bridging the Conscious and Unconscious mind
Strengthening the ego-Self axis
Somatic integration - Embodiment
Energy boundaries and Mastery
Manifestation - An inside out approach -Your quantum feedback loop
Under each component there are sub categories that are composed of the methodologies, practices and tools I use to support the overall process of Liberation, Individuation and Soul embodiment, with the end goal of stepping into your unique Soul blueprint in the world.
All of these components are also interlocking - Growth and empowerment in one area helps to develop all the other areas. This is an integrated, multi-dimensional system - A holistic paradigm.
Here are some collective themes I may be working with in 2025:
Collective Dark night of the Soul
The age of Aquarius - Pluto in Aquarius
The distortion of the ‘Principle of Gender’
Trans-Humanism - The Techno-Matrix Control Grid - Rewiring
Ideological Possession - Reprogramming
Trauma Based Mind Control
Group Think - Free thought - Individuation - Collectivism
Social Engineering Tactics
Idiot Compassion
Cults - Dogmas - NPC’s of all kinds
Collective Existential Crisis and Implosion
How to move from surviving to thriving after being Black Pilled
Cultural Dynamics between men and women - Feminism and the knee jerk reaction that is the Mano-Sphere
Moving beyond the left/right paradigm - Neither Woke nor Conspiretarded
Exit the matrix from all sides ( its not just the Blue Pilled that are stuck)
I know I talk about this whole idea of gender a lot and how the two complimentary forces of masculine/feminine show up through both our individual and collective evolutionary experience, but it continues to be one of the most important aspects of the individuation and creative empowerment process, not only for me personally, but also in terms of what I see through others’ processes and the collective-spiritual-evolutionary process as well. It’s also one of those things that has been fucked with and inverted, turned inside out and upside down by the powers that wanna be. So I find it to be one concept that continues to organically, consistently and quite frequently cycle back through my creative process over the years as pertinent to the conversation. Each time it cycles through, I’m provided with more creative ways to engage it in order to grow.
There is no exiting the matrix control system, no truly tapping into the organic creation field and becoming empowered co-creators - without embarking on this journey of harmonization between masculine and feminine forces, in how they show up through various aspects of our body, mind and behavior.
Remember that the fabric of our reality is predicated upon this masculine/feminine polarity - Its harmonization - And this translates to all sorts of “3D” mechanisms that we can actively work with to come into deeper alignment with this spiritual, metaphysical harmony.
Many people are Yin (feminine) deficient and masculine dominant as a product of being programmed and wired into the matrix system. We often need to heal and integrate our inner masculine/feminine in order to step into true manifestation. Many of us are trained to operate within the matrix and therefore manifest by way of control or force and externally imposed, masculine structures or mechanisms, while manifestation outside the matrix control grid is actually largely a feminine, internally receptive mechanism, first and foremost, that the masculine serves through its external, actionable functions.
A lot of people have suffered through, are in the midst, or on the verge of various forms of “burn out”, or disease and deep seated physiological dysfunction that is predicated upon this core imbalance of masculine/feminine forces.
So this balance is not only important for our health and well being but also for creative empowerment.
Over the next few weeks I plan to go deeper into some of the more practical applications of this masculine/feminine harmonization process.
What is idiot compassion?😂 pretty sure it’s past me😂😂😂
Thank you!
Me too. Balance, discernment, sorting out. Reasonable seems to be the word that comes up these days .. over and over again. This world is not reasonable anymore and it seems to take more and more inner work for me to stay reasonable oneself.. getting poisoned/ imbalanced is easy..