Embarking upon the journey of harmonization between internal masculine and feminine forces - In how they show up through various aspects of our body, mind and behavior, is tantamount to exiting the control grid structures of the matrix and tapping into the Organic Creation Field.
Remember that the fabric of our reality is predicated upon this masculine/feminine polarity - Its complimentary harmonization - And this translates to all sorts of “3D” mechanisms that we can actively work with to come into deeper alignment with this greater spiritual, metaphysical harmony.
Many people are Yin (feminine) deficient and masculine dominant as a product of being programmed and wired into the matrix system. We often need to heal and integrate our inner masculine/feminine in order to step into true manifestation.
Many of us are trained to operate within the matrix and therefore manifest by way of control or force and externally imposed, masculine structures or mechanisms, while manifestation outside the matrix-control-grid is actually largely a feminine, internally receptive mechanism first and foremost, that the masculine serves through its external, actionable functions.
A lot of people have suffered through, are in the midst of, or on the verge of various forms of “burn out”, or disease and deep seated physiological dysfunction that is predicated upon this core imbalance of masculine/feminine forces.
So this balance is not only important for our health and well being but also for individuation and creative empowerment.
Some basic qualities of internal masculine/feminine expression:
Healing, individuation and creative empowerment happen at these intersections. It’s in finding the balance between the various complimentary qualities that allows the Body, Mind and Spirit to move into coherence. This coherence creates a holistically integrated vehicle out of your hardware, so to speak, so that your Soul Blueprint emerges naturally.
Some ways to work with the masculine and feminine in oneself, to facilitate integration and harmonization:
Dreamwork - Relating to the anima/animus as it shows up through your dreams.
Shadow Work - Relating to the anima/animus as it shows up in others as a reflection of your unintegrated inner self.
Nervous System Balance - Get to know and bring into balance the masculine/feminine expressions showing up through various nervous system states and functions.
Somatic Integration - Get to know your inner masculine/feminine through somatic sensations and signals.
Reparenting - Explore family history - Deconstruct false programming around what it is to be a man or a woman.
Left/Right Brain Communication - Open up and strengthen the pathways between left and right brain.
Creating outside the matrix-control-grid
Creation and manifestation outside the matrix is largely an internal process of harmonization and alignment. When we harmonize the various masculine/feminine functions within, we also harmonize and align with the greater creation field (outside, beyond and underlying the control grid). This is because this harmony is a fundamental metaphysical structure of creation itself. We attune to its nature and become vehicles for creation’s “song” so to speak, when we are internally attuned to the creation field’s complimentary forces, as they move and express through us in various ways. The more balance we come into, the more coherence we embody, the more we become a suitable instrument. It’s an inside→out approach to life. Once you do the work to step into this internal alignment, external reality will begin to take shape around you to meet your level of internal coherence.