A Tear in the Fabric of Reality - My Journey to Mastering Extreme Psychic Sensitivity in the Aftermath of Witnessing a Near Death Experience
A compilation of my work this year on psychic sensitivity, metaphysical hygiene and harnessing extra sensory capacity within the trauma healing process.
All of my life I have had a profound psychic sensitivity. From feeling and sensing the emotions, motives and repressed energies of those around me, to having sleep disturbances that were often labeled as night terrors, and seeing various entities that terrified the living shit out of me.
As I got older these issues seemed to subside a little. I learned how to filter out the noise of other people’s psyches often through numbing and dumbing myself down enough to soften the blows. I still had subtle sleep disturbances that kept me awake much of the night but was able to mostly repress it. I learned to work with my dreamtime, and the entities seemed to go away completely for quite some time.
Then one day I was driving down the road minding my own business, when I became the sole witness of a violent motorcycle accident.
A woman driving a moped in the other lane toward me, separated by a grassy median, lost control. She wasn't wearing a helmet, was in flip flops nonetheless, as after all we were in Hawaii. She began to slip on some tamarind branches on the side of the road, lost control and hit the curb. Flipping up off the bike like a rag doll, her body flinging violently through the air, slamming full force into the tamarind tree that had shed the branches, tumbling again through the air and landing face down on the median. Her body contorted up over her head in a way I scarcely knew possible.
Now by this time in my life I had been developing a very keen empathy tracking skill through my bodywork. A psychic sensitivity that had begun in childhood that kept me in line with the emotions of those around me and out of trouble. When I witnessed her accident, I felt it pierce through my own body/mind as well. I thought she was probably dead and some part of me had gone with her, through psychic empathy, into that near death experience.
The shock of it rippled through me as it simultaneously thinned the veil between dimensions.
I often wondered how much the shock itself triggered the perceptions I was to struggle with in the following years.
I spent a lot of time over those years wondering how much of this was real, and how much was a projection of my own mind - Some sort of manifestation arising out of the shock of witnessing and empathizing with the violence of her trauma.
The conclusion I came to was that it didn’t really matter either way. That there are many manifestations of Mind and what’s deemed real or unreal within that, is often irrelevant to our experience of it.
That the astral plane can be seen as both real and illusory, just as this plane can be. Both are reflections of our own state of consciousness to some degree. All is a manifestation of energy at its subtler levels. Whether these phenomena are projections of one’s own mind, manifestations of the astral plane, or some combination there-in, didn’t really affect in the end, what tools I used to manage the situation.
In any case I found it important to explore the nature of Mind thoroughly and understand what was happening to me from multiple vantage points, where-in I adopted an integrated model that works quite well for me now. Not enough time and space here to go into detail with all that, perhaps in another post.
I didn't realize this at the time, but some kind of portal opened up at that pinnacle moment - our minds met and dare I say, merged, within the shock waves of violent energy, rippling through the field. Some sort of unification in consciousness occurred between us right at that near death moment. From that day forward I could no longer repress my perceptions of the astral realm, and the constant onslaught of various psychic energies and entities attempting to make contact with me.
I was standing, often helpless, at the edge of what seemed like a giant tear in the fabric of our reality. All these beings that seemed to flood out of this near death portal followed me around for years, many of whom were repeat visitors.
Over the next few years I saw everything from beings made of colored prismatic light-energy-geometry, benevolent beings, shadow beings, ghosts, lost souls, demons etc.
It was a multifaceted, rich display. Almost like swimming through some sort of primordial soup of inter-dimensional creatures at times.
Over the next few years these experiences and encounters became more and more intense.
Not only was I continuously visited by all sorts of astral entities big and small, all shapes and sizes, I eventually began having repeat episodes of sleep paralysis. Sometimes many in one night. Nightmares that were actually not in regular dreamtime, but in some world in between dreaming and waking. Attacks from strange and demonic creatures within this space.
These experiences also bled over into my waking life, the veil was no longer only thin at night in my dreamtime but also often throughout the day.
I was forced, much to my dismay, to eventually make peace with my sensitivity, stop numbing it and dumbing it down, harness its power, learn how to filter without completely shutting down.
My energy boundaries were very weak for a long time. This served me well in childhood and even within certain intuitive skillsets, but I hadn’t refined it enough yet to harness its gifts, without just being wide open to anything and everything. It would take me many years to understand what was happening to me and why, what I needed to do to gain mastery.
One day after years of struggling with these visions and visitors, I had the intuition to make some prayers or set some intentions. I put together a symbolic offering of fruits and flower petals. I spoke out loud as if to communicate directly, made it clear that I had made them an offering and would bring it out to a suitable resting place for them. I explained that I did not want them in my space but would show them a space on the land where they could reside and be at peace.
This would be the first of many moments when I was able to guide with the energy and intention of my heart field, various lost fragmented entities back to source, or at least out of my own field of energy into some other more suitable dimension. Perhaps I had just learned to clean up my own field in such a way that they no longer resonated with me there.
I brought the offering out to this high energy spot on the land where there was a big cluster of granite boulders, a beautiful canopying oak tree with a giant Corinthian Bells wind chime hanging in it. There were some ivy vines, a little yarrow growing in the cracks of the rocks. It was one of my favorite power spots that I had cultivated for a couple of years.
I set the offering out there and sat to meditate. I told these beings that I was no longer open to them disturbing my sleep time, that if any of complete benevolence wanted to contact me, they must come during my meditations during the day in this very spot.
See they come during the night because that is when most of us are more awake in our astral bodies, more sensitive and vulnerable to their energy, because the veils are thinner we can see them more easily and visa versa.
I went to bed that night and for the first time in a long while wasn't visited within my space by a single astral phenomena. I awoke the next morning at sunrise, and decided to go to the sacred spot I had prepared for them and meditate.
I sat there in silence and felt an immense energy building. The wind suddenly picked up speed and became erratic, causing the chime to ring loudly and profusely. The sound and energy cascaded wildly into these grand crescendos over and over again. I could feel the aliveness within me, within everything around me, how it was all interconnected in the moment.
The bells were still banging violently as I made a certain peace with and said a sort of goodbye to
these beings, and got up to step out onto the dirt driveway that separated this area of the land from the dwelling I lived in across the way. The minute I stepped out of the energy field of this spot however, I felt the space “seal up” behind me, as if to step through a membrane in the fabric of reality, I heard the bells all at once in a seemingly impossible orderliness, along with the wind, suddenly come to a DEAD stop.
This sudden and lasting interruption was completely unnatural. The wind doesn't just stop like that and even if it does it takes the bells some time to lose their momentum, to stop ringing. Even if they stopped banging suddenly, the sound always reverberates for some time before becoming silent. I often meditated here with the blowing breezes, listened deeply to how they carried the rippling tones of the chimes, tracking the subtle energies of nature spirits as they sang their songs across the land. I was very familiar with these chimes, their placement and the patterns of the wind. I knew their rhythms well. The violent ringing followed by a succinct break in sound and wind was an obvious synchronicity. A communication of sorts. I felt an undeniable direct knowing come over me as I immediately put a place holder on this moment.
This was the first of a few very key formative moments in which the awareness of sound and how these energies and entities travel on its vibrations came through me as an embodied realization. The beginning of a new metaphysical understanding through direct experience.
My understanding of this was further emphasized and expanded about a year later, long after I had filed this memory away into the back of my mind. I had moved to a new house, when the episodes began to return.
This time I was being visited at all hours of the day and night. It seemed like the veil between dimensions was extremely thin. It was during this time that I was downloaded with many new skills to navigate. I received an affirmation that paired with a vibrational signature in my heart. I was guided to place certain charged and intentional objects in my sleep space, including rose petals, plant allies, and sound tools which I would use every night before bed. I learned how to work with the light spectrum and channel it through the palms of my hands. All of which came to me from within my intuitive mind in times of deep distress.
One evening I felt the energy in my living space shift drastically. I felt as if I and the space around me were suddenly in another dimension. Everything around me was physically the same, but the energy was palpably different. It was almost like just a different shade of the same colors but still a very noticeable variation.
This is what the astral plane is often like. It can look almost exactly like our physical reality but with an added richness, deeper dimension to it, a slightly different shade, and one can sense a tapestry of energies not readily perceivable from our base five sense awareness.
I became very afraid as I used to do back then, still being so new to this sort of thing, as I realized that I was surrounded by a seeming storm of entities. I called a friend for support who probably thought I was a little crazy, but tried to be there for me as best he could. The call dropped and when he called back I saw in my vision space, and felt with my energy body/psychic empathy, a swarm of entities instantly gravitate to the sound of the ring tone on my phone.
Although it scared the shit out of me, I instantly had a crystal clear message come into my mind that said, “they are drawn to the sound, go unhook the wind chime”.
I had a Corinthians wind chime hanging out on the deck, and the ringer that hangs down the middle had gotten wrapped around the corner beam. I quickly unraveled it and as it was a stormy night it started ringing violently immediately. Within seconds my entire space was clear, peace and calm came over me, and all entities were literally gone with the wind, passed into some other dimension.
Up until this point I had completely forgotten about my previous experience of the giant wind chime on the land I had moved from. But as this new experience unfolded it all came into focus with lucid clarity. The two Corinthians chimes were different in color, size and tone, but the same true resonance. The very same power and effect.
So sound, along with many other tools, became an integral part of my daily practice of metaphysical hygiene, clearing my space, my personal field and of working in an empowered way with inter-dimensional energies and entities of all sorts.
If you are a highly sensitive person, an intuitive person and/or a deeply empathic person already, learning to filter without shutting down, refining these abilities becomes imperative somewhere along the way. A lot of us have to unravel our energetic anatomy from childhood experiences that compromised our energy boundaries. We developed intuitive skill sets through childhood traumas that can have negative side effects if not harnessed properly.
What a very interesting share Kaya Marie! Thank you. 🙏💕
I would be most interested to hear more. I am sensitive enough to the energies of those around me that I learned to shield myself, but not nearly as sensitive as you are! Lawdy. 😵💫
Glad you learned to tame the energies. The bit about your meditative space fits with other things I’ve read. As you’re likely aware, it seems there are places that are natural portals. Some from one terrestrial place to another, some off to other planes of existence. I wonder if ley lines might be related. We certainly live in a mightily curious universe, eh? 🤪
I’m on an endless quest for knowledge. Must be part cat I’m so curious. 🤔
I remember some of the tellings you shared here. The Corinthian Bells, etc. Thank you for sharing these 'adventures' as we all have similar events (albeit, not as extensive) that need our attention.